version française

Charron and Ducharme families' Coat of Arms

Our coat of arms summarizes both the origin and the history of Charron and Ducharme families. Designed by Claude Robert, genealogist and heraldist, it includes the following components:

  • in the upper third, the three fleurs de lys represent Brie and Aunis, two provinces of France where our ancestors Pierre Charron and Catherine Pillard were born, as well as Québec where they were married in 1665 and were the forebears of a considerable number of descendants.

  • in the lower third, the barouche (calèche) stands for the cartwright, maker of wagons, carts, and different horse-drawn vehicles. Our ancestors in France were certainly cartwrights in a distant past.

  • in the middle, the tree is a hornbeam (Carpinius caroliniana), in French a “ charme ”, which is a possible explanation for the Ducharme surname adopted by a great number of Pierre Charron and Catherine Pillard's descendants.

The wheat sheaves stand for the Brie and Aunis landscape, as well as for the agricultural past of most of our families.

Finally, our device represents two qualities, pride and tenacity, that our ancestors obviously had, and that still characterize Charrons and Ducharmes today.

All rights reserved. Reproduction forbidden without permission of
the Association des Charron et Ducharme

The Coat of Arms is available as a print on 8½ x 11" parchment paper suitable for framing, or as a quality hard enamel 1" x 1¼" color lapel pin.

Click here for the price list and here for the order form.

Updated in November 2011

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