Parents of
Jacques de LaPorte
dit St-Georges
Jacques de LaPorte dit St-Georges Jr is the son of Jacques de La Porte Sr who was born in France in 1596. The father of Jacques de La Porte Sr was probably Hugues de La Porte.
Jacques de La Porte Sr got married in Nocé on June 7, 1626 with Marie Hamelin. Her origins are unknown except for the fact that her brother André lived nearby in Cohanard. Jacques and Marie had manychildren: Jacques (1627), Barbe (1629), Florimont (1634), Jehan (1638), Florimond (1642), Claude (1643), Loyse (1646) and Maryse.
Jacques de La Porte Sr appears for the first time in legal notarized documents in 1625; at the time, he is described as an innkeeper. Jacques de La Porte Sr was a baker from the time of his marriage until his death, except for a brief four year interlude, i.e. form August 1639 to June 1643, where he appears to have resumed his profession of innkeeper in Nocé according to legal documents.
One can assume that Jacques de La Porte Sr, innkeeper, baker, merchant, has ambitious plans for his children. He, himself, maintains very good relations with his Parish Priest and with his Lord. Despite his various occupations and his children, he accepts social activities which honor him and make him one of Nocé's most prominent citizens.
In the upper Middle-Ages, there were devout brotherhoods known under the name of "Frères de charité" (Brothers of Charity) or "Charitons". These brotherhoods, swept away during the wars, saw life again in the XVth or XVIth century. At the head of the "Charité" are the "Councilman" and the "Provost" who are responsible for the management of the possessions of poor people after they die, and are chosen amongst the "notables". In 1637, in a legal document dated March 17, it is Jacques de La Porte Sr who is mentioned as "Provost" of the "Charity" for the Church of Nocé (written "Nocey" in those days).
Jacques de La Porte Sr died in Nocé in 1676. His wife, Marie Hamelin, also died later in Nocé.

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Last updated on August 21 2001