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On October 23rd 1999, an assembly was held to form the Association des Faucher et Foucher inc. Fifteen people attended this assembly. On january 25th 2000, the Association was officialy incorporated under the 3rd part of companies Quebec law.

The members of the Association des Faucher et Foucher inc. Confirmed the Association founding at the first annual general meeting held on August 26th 2000 at St-Edouard de Frampton in Beauce. This assembly was held at « La cabane à Pierre » (Pierre’s sugarshack).

The Association is also a member of the Fédération des Familles-souches Québecoises inc. (Quebec founding families Federation).

The support of the Association is based on its volunteers and administrators.


The following objectives are pursued by the Association :

In any organization, recruting is the main goal to ensure that the Association will live and grow. The more active members there are, the more chances are there will be activities creating new and invigorating meetings. So you guess that each member has a small part to make sure the Association des Faucher et Foucher will grow and stay strong. We should ensure that the Association does not disappear because a lack of interest or unconcern and it is certainly not the mark of the Foucher and Faucher!!!

What can we do? You guessed right!!! Each member must do some recruting starting in their immediate family and the proud family member bearing the surname of Faucher, Foucher, Châteauvert and Saint-Maurice. A form of sponsorship? Why not!!! By clicking on the link, you will find a subscription form :

Subscription form

You can reproduce this form as much as you want if you take great pride in your Association!

So today, who will I contact to subscribe to the Association??? 

The annual membership cost is 20 $
for eight years : 150$
A life membership is 400 $
The membership includes:
membership for the husband (wife)
membership for children under 18 years of age.

History | Board | Regional comitee | Membership | Adhesion form | Guest book